THE WALKING DEAD 3 Second Episode 2 (Part II) be continued.


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Hello Gamers! THE WALKING DEAD According Episode 3 (Part II) be continued.

Here we are with a brand new video of THE WALKING DEAD 3 Second Episode (ParteII) – Ties That Bind

This video is nothing but the continuation of the second part of the previous video THE WALKING DEAD # 3 Second Episode 2 (Part II), where we will complete (hopefully) the episode, so you can not lose it!

In this last episode, with our protagonists, we were stopped at an abandoned gas station. The scenario starts from there. During our stop emerges a few zombies that is promptly shot dead by vigilant Clementine.

Javier instead looks around and find a garage, we can raise the gate and kill the hapless man-zombies who probably lived there. We borrow his wrench (stuck in its side) and try to use it.

Meanwhile, inside the garage, we are fortunate to have a car trailer or Wrecker and try to exploit it by connecting the towing hook at an abandoned car near the service station.

Inside the trunk of that car wreck that we found there are some jumper cables and readily use them to restart the engine of the Wrecker tow bar.

The idea seems perfect, the hitch part and start dragging the car, pity though that through the noise that we have endeavored to awaken a myriad of zombies !!!

We begin to exterminate someone but are really a lot. So Javier decides to restart the car carrying the doctor and the other girl hit them farther apart as possible from danger. wise choice to Javier?

Who knows!

This part of THE WALKING DEAD 3 Second Episode (Part II) be continued is really exciting! Because zombies are everywhere and not leave us time even to protect us, because we are attacked.

Fortunately we can put ourselves at the shelter on the roof of the abandoned gas station!

Javier decides to go on patrol to find a path that will take us away from this place that initially seemed to be very quiet, but instead turned out to be a den of bloodthirsty zombies, and ready to kill.

During the patrol, the Javier focus falls on a mannequin, which was positioned as a bearded man who wastes no time and there pointing a gun to his head.

We try to talk to him and we note that wants to bond with us and do not belong to any gang, because it does not have any symbol.

The new character in question, met in THE WALKING DEAD 3 (Part II) be continued is called Paul Monroe, but calls himself “Jesus“:

jesus the walking dead 3

After this curtain, our new “friend” if the row and see a flashback that takes us back to the past to Clementine when I run the zombies with a child on his shoulders to try to save his life.

Clementine in the past has not only saved the child’s life but also of a mysterious girl who does not yet know who he is, and surely we’ll find out in the course of this episode

THE WALKING DEAD 3 or in the next, who knows!

After the flashback of Clementine play resumed by our group of players who are going to venture into a series of zombies within what appears to be a railway tunnel, we make out several and Jesus proves to be a great fighter and help in time of war.

In fact, with a fabulous jump puts K.O. a zombie, ready to attack Javier!

You have to see what move guys!

We find refuge in an abandoned car along the railway, the zombies are many and we are in hot pursuit, so we just have to seal the doors and lock ourselves inside. Hoping to get out as soon as possible!

Conrad as always proves careful and strong in fighting on our side, he realizes that Clementine was unfortunately infected, it has the symbol!

contagio clementine v2ks the walking dead 3

Conrad after the unpleasant discovery loses as often happens the examination and testing to nearly kill our Clementine pointing a gun to his head! A plan to kill her! Fortunately Javier responds to threats with a pistol shot that ends straight across the forehead of Conrad!

We lose one man from the group but it’s probably better that way, Conrad on several occasions proved mentally unstable, unreliable and dangerous.

Start dawn and leave at last the wagon, the zombies are gone. We go on the road surface from the underground tunnel where we were and we find the other members of the group.

We continue the journey and within walking distance we find the band of enemies with whom we have clashed in the past.

We also find the car they were traveling the doctor and the injured girl inside, however, there is only Kate Garcia.

We decide to take her with us and do not let her die in the car.

the walking dead 3

Probably the good doctor has been kidnapped by the gang that there pointing the guns at and after lengthy negotiations, we can not do is give up their are so many, we few.

Finally we assure you that in the end you will see a very familiar face …

It ‘been infected and is now part of the gang. Who is it?

Find out watching our video of THE WALKING DEAD 3 (Part II) be continued.






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